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Do not use email to notify the police department of your urgent complaints or concerns as email is not always checked regularly.

In order to request an Incident Report from the Holmen Police Department fill out the form and press submit. Please provide as much information as possible in your request as this will assist the Law Enforcement Specialist in locating the report you requested.

NOTE: Under Wisconsin law, a request for access to public record “is deemed sufficient if it reasonable describes the requested record or the information requested. However, a request for a record without reasonable limitation as to subject matter or length of time represented by the record does not constitute a sufficient request.” Wis Stat. 19.35(1)(h)

The information you provide in this section pertains to the person involved in the incident.

"*" indicates required fields

Under Wisconsin law, request for access to a public record may not be refused "because the person making the request is unwilling to be identified to state the purpose of the request." Wis. Stat. 19.35(1)(i). you are being asked to provide the following of a voluntary basis.
Name of Person Requesting Information