In Person Absentee Voting schedule for Primary Election, Tuesday February 18th, 2025.
If you would like to cast your ballot in person before Election Day, you can do so on the following dates/times at the Village Hall Office:
Tuesday February 4th 2pm-4pm,
Wednesday February 5th 9am-11am,
Thursday February 6th and Friday February 7th from 10am-2pm,
Monday February 10th and Tuesday February 11th 10am-2pm,
Wednesday February 12th 1pm-4pm,
Thursday February 13th 10am-2pm, and Friday February 14th from 2pm-5pm.
If you would like to review what is on the ballot, you can view the sample ballot on our website under Election Notices or by visiting and clicking on What’s On My Ballot.
Notice of Holmen Fire Hydrant Flushing
The Holmen Public Works Department will begin flushing water mains and fire hydrants on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 and continue through Thursday, October 17, 2024. This notice is to inform our customers that this flushing activity can cause a decrease in water pressure, may cause short-term discoloration in the water that may affect laundry operations, and may impact automatic flushing units and pressure sensitive equipment.
Important Dates for General Election- November 5, 2024
October 16, 2024: Online registration closes. If you still need to register, you can register in person at Village Hall through November 1, 2024, or at your polling place on November 5, 2024.
October 22, 2024- November 1, 2024: In Person Absentee Voting at Village Hall from 8:30am-4pm.
October 31, 2024: The deadline to request an absentee ballot is today at 5pm.
November 4, 2024: Election Administration Day. The only absentee activity today will be to return absentee ballots that were previously
mailed to voters.
November 5, 2024: Election Day. Polls are open from 7am-8pm. Find your polling place at
For a printable version of the important dates, click the link below.
New Utility Bills in Envelopes
Postcard utility bills will no longer be sent to Village utility customers. All customers will now receive a full page utility bill mailed in an enclosed envelope. Please keep your eyes out for the new mailing. Thank you!
Hilltopper New Driver Routes
Refuse contractor, Hilltopper Refuse and Recycle, has modified their driver hauling routes to enhance efficiencies. The new routes save more time and ultimately more money, thus benefiting everyone. The result, however, is that the drivers may now arrive at times that significantly differ than has traditionally been “usual,” or that residents are used to experiencing. Please make sure to have your refuse and recycling bins out at the curb before 5am on the day of service, as the haulers could arrive any time after 5am.
Water Rate Case Hearing
The Holmen Municipal Water Utility has filed an application with the Public Service
Commission of Wisconsin (PSCW) to increase water rates. The increase is necessary due to a
105.60 percent increase in gross plant investment and a 66.57 percent increase in operating
expenses since the last water rate case was completed in 2016.
The total increase in water revenues requested is $728,479 which will result in an estimated
overall rate increase of 50.17 percent over the water utility’s present revenues. If the request is
granted, the water bill for an average residential customer with a ⅝-inch or ¾-inch meter who
uses 16,000 gallons of water per quarter will increase from $68.10 to $101.07, or 48.41 percent,
including the public fire protection charge.
A […]
New Chipping Policy
As of January 1, 2024, the Village of Holmen will no longer conduct monthly curbside brush chipping. The Village will conduct curbside chipping operations for emergencies only, as determined by the Village. Residents who wish to get rid of brush may bring it to the compost site during regular compost site hours, Mondays and Wednesdays, 2 p.m.-6 p.m., or Saturdays, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., mid-April through mid-November. Please note after Daylight Savings Times ends, the hours of operation will change to 1 p.m.-5 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays. The site will open the third Saturday of the month, December through March from 8 a.m. to noon. The site is for disposal of trimmings from residents’ trees and shrubs, not whole trees. Christmas trees and branches up […]
2023 Village of Holmen Tax Rate (Payable 2024)
The full Village Mil Rate for tax year 2023/payable 2024, will decrease by .24 cents from the previous year. The full 2022 tax rate was $20.73/$1000 of valuation. The new 2023 tax rate is $20.49/$1000 of valuation. Thus a $300K home will pay $6,147 in taxes in 2024 (down $72 from last year). The decrease is attributed to sound financial investments, successful economic development efforts, an increase in the State’s tax credit and a reduction in the Holmen School District’s portion of the tax rate.
Recent Village Board Actions
The Village Board approved the following actions during the August Board Meeting:
- Authorized the signature of a new Developer’s Agreement and approved the Engineering Plans for the Seven Bridges North First Addition Subdivision (new single-family lots North of Seven Bridges Addition);
- Conditionally approved the signature of the Final Plat of the West Ridge Addition (new single-family subdivision Northeast of Evergreen Elementary), and of Cole Addition Seven (new single-family subdivision phase West of Halfway Creek), and of the Gaarder Road Extension (planned new commercial development lots along Holmen Drive);
- Authorized contract extensions for Village Attorney and CPA services;
- Resolved to support a DOT grant application for paving the Village’s section of the Holland Bike Trail;
- Resolved to officially designate the Village Hall and Village Public Library […]
New Polling Locations for Holmen in 2024
Beginning in 2024, the Village will have two polling locations for elections. With the extreme growth of the community, it was no longer effective to have just one polling location to host elections. Thus, both the Village Hall (same location) and the Village Public Library (additional location) will be utilized, splitting the voting wards into two locations. The new polling separates the “western” areas of Holmen which will now vote at the Library (Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 12), from the “eastern” areas of Holmen which will continue to vote at the Village Hall (Wards 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11). The separating line from the South to the North, follows along Holmen Drive, then to and along the Halfway Creek and […]
Recent Village Board Actions 5/5/23
The Village Board recently approved the following actions:
- Authorized a Conditional Use Permit for a Two-family dwelling on 2nd Avenue East;
- Allocated funds for the floor replacement at Halfway Creek West Shelter;
- Ratified the Developer’s Agreement and Engineering Plans for Cole Addition 7 (new residential single family addition);
- Ratified the Developer’s Agreement and Engineering Plans for Bluffview Buiness Park 3 (new commercial expansion area along Hwy. 53 and 35);
- Ratified the Engineering Plans for Cole East—North Phase of Gaarder Road (new commercial expansion area along Holmen Drive);
- Finalized the approved Bid for the Briggs Road and McHugh Road roundabout project, to begin in June and be completed in August;
- Allocated funds for repairs on South Main Street;
- Allocated funds for a spare “emergency” compressor head for […]
Recent Village Board Actions 2/13/23
The Village Board approved the following actions at the February Village Board Meeting:
- Approved the rezoning of 48.81 acres of Ag land to Commercial land and 25.25 acres of Ag land to Light Industrial land, all of which is owned by Mathy Construction Company, for the planned improvement of new road and utility infrastructure in the North area of the Village adjacent to Hwy. 53 and Hwy. 35;
- Purchased a new Eterra Raptor Boom and Cutter for Park & Recreation;
- Purchased a new F250 truck and plow for Park & Recreation;
- Purchased a used F550 bucket truck for Public Works and Park & Recreation;
- Approved the 2023 Mathy Construction bid for 2023 Street Reconstruction in Cedar Meadows Addition; and
- Purchased a back-up Waste Water Treatment […]
Recent Village Board Actions 1/13/23
During the January Village Board Meeting, the Village Board approved the following actions:
- Purchased equipment for the two newly purchased police squads;
- Approved the low bid by Preload, LLC, for the construction of a new Water Reservoir in North Holmen this Summer;
- Approved the low bid by Olympic Builders General Contractors, for the construction of a new Water Well Pumphouse in North Holmen this Summer;
- Approved the low bid for securing a TIF District Revenue Bond through First National Bank of Bangor for the financing of the North Holmen Water Projects this Summer; and
- Approved the season long special event application from HD Tavern for their Summer Concert Series.