Recent Village Board Actions
The Village Board approved the following actions during the August Board Meeting:
- Authorized the signature of a new Developer’s Agreement and approved the Engineering Plans for the Seven Bridges North First Addition Subdivision (new single-family lots North of Seven Bridges Addition);
- Conditionally approved the signature of the Final Plat of the West Ridge Addition (new single-family subdivision Northeast of Evergreen Elementary), and of Cole Addition Seven (new single-family subdivision phase West of Halfway Creek), and of the Gaarder Road Extension (planned new commercial development lots along Holmen Drive);
- Authorized contract extensions for Village Attorney and CPA services;
- Resolved to support a DOT grant application for paving the Village’s section of the Holland Bike Trail;
- Resolved to officially designate the Village Hall and Village Public Library as the official polling locations within the Village for all elections; and
- Supported the creation of a new Fire Commission for the Holmen Area Fire District.