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Here at the Village of Holmen we strive to maintain and provide quality services and assistance in the best manner possible in a timely, courteous and cost effective manner.

The Village Clerk and staff perform a variety of duties such as providing legal notice and maintaining the official records of proceedings along with preservation and open access to public records. The Clerk’s office is responsible for issuing municipal licenses, and administering municipal elections.

The Village Treasurer’s office is responsible for all activities related to the receipt and collection of revenue, the safekeeping and investment of revenue and an accurate accounting for the disbursement of revenue.

We are here to assist the residents of the Village of Holmen in any manner we can!

Pay Utility Bill, Property Taxes, or Clerk fees by Credit or Debit Card

You now have the option to use a third party, AllPaid to make payments to the Village of Holmen. AllPaid will charge you a convenience fee for this service as follows:

  • Utility Payments via Web or Gov$wipe 2.65% (Minimum Fee $3.99)
  • Tax Payments via Web or Gov$wipe 2.75% (Minimum Fee $3.99)
  • Administrative & Civil Payments via Web or Gov$wipe 3.00% (Minimum Fee $3.99)
  • Additional fee for all payments via phone
    • For use of operator assistance (add $3.50 to each fee)
    • For use of Integrated Response Unit (add $1.50 to each fee)

You will need the Village of Holmen Pay Location Code in order to process your payment:

  • Pay Location Code to pay Utility Bill is #5993.
  • Pay Location Code to pay Property Taxes is #5990. (Taxes will only be accepted at the Village of Holmen from December 1st – January 31st. Payments made during the rest of the year need to be made to the La Crosse County Treasurer.)
  • Pay Location Code to pay Clerk Fees such as Building Permits, Operator Licenses, Dog Tags or other Various Fees is #5992.

Please contact the Village office with any questions.