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Join our First LEGO League Explore Team of Mini Nerds and learn how LEGO® bricks, robotics, science and technology can be fun!

Join us on non-school days for some robotics fun and learning! We will work in teams of up to three students, grades k-5, assisted by a local FIRST® LEGO® League N.O.A.M – Nerds On A Mission who are excited to help spread S.T.E.M. learning in our community!

Recycling Truck

We will be building a recycling truck! We will explore how better sorting methods for recycling can aid in cutting back the amount of waste that is discarded. We will create and program a device that will sort recyclables according to their size and shape using the LEGO WeDo 2.0.

Grades: K-5
Date: Monday, November 6, 2023
Session 1: 10:00-11:30am – Register Here
Session 2: 12:15-1:45pm – Register Here
Location: Holmen Library – Main Meeting Room
Limit: 18 students per session
Fee: $10.00

Dive into Frog Metamorphosis

Tadpole, froglet, and frog! We will model a frog’s metamorphosis using a LEGO representation and identify the characteristics at each stage. Students will build and code their models using the LEGO WeDo 2.0.

Grades: K-5
Date: Monday, February 19, 2024
Session 1: 10:00-11:30am – Register Here
Session 2: 12:15-1:45pm – Register Here
Location: Holmen Library – Main Meeting Room
Limit: 18 students per session
Fee: $10.00

lego21 Village of Holmen