§ DL-1.          Disposition of legislation.

The following is a chronological listing of legislation of the Village of Holmen adopted since the publication of the Code, indicating its inclusion in the Code or the reason for its exclusion. [Enabling legislation which is not general and permanent in nature is considered to be non-Code material (NCM).] Information regarding legislation which is not included in the Code nor on this list is available from the office of the Village Clerk. The last legislation reviewed for the original publication of the Code was Ord. No. 9.19, adopted  2-10-2000. A complete listing, including disposition, of all legislation reviewed in conjunction with the original publication of the Code is on file in the office of the Village Clerk.




§ DL-1. Disposition of legislation.


Ord. No. Adoption Date Subject Disposition
1.00 10-12-2000 Adoption of Code Ch. 1, Art. I
2.00 11-9-2000 Brush, grass and weeds amendment Ch. 25
1.01 2-8-2001 Water amendment Superseded by Ord. No. 3.08
2.01 6-14-2001 Administration of government amendment Ch. 5
3.01 8-9-2001 Board of Review amendment Ch. 144
1.02 1-10-2002 Open burning amendment Ch. 33
2.02 5-9-2002 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
3.02 6-13-2002 Smoke-free restaurants Ch. 153
4.02 6-13-2002 Telecommunications structures and towers Ch. 166
5.02 8-6-2002 Vehicles and traffic: school bus warning lights Ch. 180, Art. VI
6.02 9-12-2002 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1.03 3-13-2003 Snow and ice removal amendment Ch. 159, Art. III
2.03 5-8-2003 Vehicles and traffic: parking amendment Ch. 180, Art. V
3.03 6-12-2003 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
4.03 6-12-2003 Board of Review amendment Ch. 144
5.03 8-14-2003 Wellhead protection amendment Superseded by Ord. No. 3.08
6.03 10-9-2003 Land division amendment Ch. 90
7.03 11-13-2003 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
8.03 11-13-2003 Joint Municipal Court Ch. 108
9.03 12-11-2003 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1.04 12-11-2003 Wellhead protection amendment Superseded by Ord. No. 3.08
2.04 4-23-2004 Motorized scooters Ch. 180, Art. VII
3.04 7-8-2004 Water: rates, rules and practices amendment Superseded by Ord. No. 3.08
4.04 11-23-2004 Comprehensive Plan Ch. 47
5.04 10-14-2004 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
6.04 9-9-2004 Purchasing Ch. 136
7.04 10-14-2004 Land division amendment Ch. 90
8.04 11-23-2004 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
9.04 1-13-2005 Land division amendment Ch. 90
1.05 2-10-2005 Floodplain zoning Ch. 71
2.05 4-14-2005 Moratorium NCM
3.05 6-9-2005 Land division amendment Ch. 90
4.05 6-9-2005 Parking amendment Ch. 180, Art. V
5.05 10-13-2005 Hotel and motel room tax amendment Ch. 164, Art. I
6.05 10-13-2005 Amusement devices amendment Ch. 10
7.05 10-13-2005 Land division amendment Ch. 90
8.05 1-12-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1.06 2-9-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
2.06 1-12-2006 Vehicles and traffic amendment Ch. 180
3.06 4-13-2006 Economic development grant for Class B liquor licenses Ch. 78, Art. IV
4.06 8-12-2006 Impact fees Ch. 76
5.06 5-11-2006 Penalties amendment Chs. 14, 33, 45, 95, 101, 112, 127 and 180
6.06 7-13-2006 Purchasing Ch. 136
7.06 7-13-2006 Open burning, land division and zoning amendments Chs. 33, 90 and 195
8.06 11-9-2006 Land division amendment Ch. 90
9.06 11-9-2006 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
10.06 11-9-2006 Erosion control and stormwater management Ch. 56
1.07 2-8-2007 Water: wellhead protection amendment Ch. 187, Art. III (Exhibit A only)
2.07 4-12-2007 Floodplain zoning amendment Ch. 71
3.07 6-14-2007 Update Comprehensive Plan NCM
4.07 5-10-2007 Solid waste: refuse disposal and recycling amendment Ch. 155, Art. I
5.07 7-12-2007 Land division amendment Ch. 90
6.07 7-12-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
7.07 8-9-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
8.07 11-8-2007 Stormwater Utility Ch. 157
9.07 12-13-2007 Mobile home parks: adoption of Uniform Building Code; mobile homes and mobile home condominiums Ch. 105, Arts. II and III
10.07 12-13-2007 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1.08 5-8-2008 Floodplain zoning amendment Ch. 71
2.08 2-14-2008 Land division amendment Ch. 90
3.08 6-12-2008 Water Ch. 187
4.08 8-14-2008 Parks and recreation Ch. 121
5.08 11-13-2008 Vehicles and traffic: neighborhood electric vehicles Ch. 180, Art. IX
6.08 10-29-2008 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
7.08 1-15-2009 Water amendment Ch. 187
1.09 8-13-2009 Administration of government amendment Ch. 5
2.09 1-14-2010 Brush, grass and weeds amendment Ch. 25
1.10 5-13-2010 Mobile home parks: monthly parking fees amendment Ch. 105, Art. I
2.10 8-12-2010 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1.11 3-10-2011 Annexation NCM
2.11 4-14-2011 Vehicles and traffic: restricted vehicles Ch. 180, Art. X
3.11 8-11-2011 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
4.11 8-11-2011 Land division amendment Ch. 90
  11-10-2011 Firearms and weapons repealer Ch. 63, reference only
5.11 12-8-2011 Floodplain zoning amendment Ch. 71
1-2012     Not adopted
2-2012 2-9-2012 Administration of government amendment Ch. 5
3-2012 9-13-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
4-2012 5-10-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
5-2012 5-10-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
6-2012 5-10-2012 Comprehensive Plan amendment NCM
7-2012 6-19-2012 Intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverages: closing hours for retailers amendment; operator’s license amendment Ch. 78, Arts. I and II
8-2012 9-13-2012 Annexation NCM
9-2012 12-13-2012 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1-2013 1-10-2013 Water amendment Ch. 187
2-2013 1-10-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
3-2013 2-14-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
4-2013 3-14-2013 Annexation NCM
5-2013 5-9-2013 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
6-2013 9-12-2013 Animals amendment Ch. 14
1-2014 2-13-2014 Water amendment Ch. 187
1-2015 2-12-2015 Illicit discharges and connections Ch. 57
2-2015 4-9-2015 Pawnbrokers and secondhand dealers amendment Ch. 123
3-2015 8-17-2015 Annexation NCM
4-2015 9-10-2015 Annexation NCM
5-2015     Not adopted
6-2015 11-12-2015 Taxation: Room Tax Commission Ch. 164, Art. II
1-2016 3-10-2016 Land division amendment Ch. 90
2-2016 3-10-2016 Comprehensive plan NCM
3-2016 3-10-2016 Annexation NCM
4-2016 3-10-2016 Annexation NCM
5-2016 4-14-2016 Social hosting Ch. 154
6-2016 5-12-2016 Annexation NCM
7-2016 6-9-2016 Firearms, bow and arrows, and other missiles Ch. 63
8-2016 6-9-2016 Annexation NCM
9-2016 7-14-2016 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
10-2016 12-8-2016 Impact fees amendment Ch. 76
1-2017   Annexation NCM
2-2017 7-13-2017   NCM
3-2017   Annexation NCM
4-2017   Annexation NCM
5-2017 12-14-2017 Zoning amendment Ch. 195
1-2018 8-9-2018 Territory Annexation NCM
2-2018 10-11-2018 Streets and Sidewalks: Snow and Ice Removal Amendment Ch. 159, Art. III
1-2019 3-14-2019 Minors: Sexting Ch.101, Art. III


Ord. No. Adoption Date Subject Disposition Supp. No.
2-2019 5-9-2019 Annexation NCM 24
3-2019 4-11-2019 Annexation NCM 24
4-2019 6-13-2019 Annexation NCM 24
5-2019 9-12-2019 Zoning Amendment Ch. 195 24
6-2019 9-12-2019 Municipal Court, Joint Amendment Ch. 108 24
7-2019 10-10-2019 Water Amendment Ch. 187 24
8-2019 11-14-2019 Vehicles and Traffic: Parking Amendment Ch. 180, Art. V 24
1-2020 2-13-2020 Annexation NCM 25
2-2020 3-13-2020 Brush, Grass and Weeds Amendment Ch. 25 25
3-2020 5-14-2020 Annexation NCM 25
4-2020 8-13-2020 Annexation NCM 25
5-2020 9-10-2020 Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages: Operator’s License Amendment; Purchasing Amendment; Zoning Amendment Ch. 78, Art. II; Ch. 136; Ch. 195 25
1-2021 3-11-2021 Municipal Court, Joint Amendment Ch. 108 26
2-2021 3-11-2021 Annexation NCM 26
3-2021 5-13-2021 Zoning Amendment Ch. 195 26
4-2021 5-13-2021 Annexation NCM 26
5-2021 7-9-2021 Intoxicating Liquor and Fermented Malt Beverages: Reserve Class B Liquor Licenses Amendment; Zoning Amendment Ch. 78, Art. IV; Ch. 195 26
6-2021 8-12-2021 Zoning Amendment Ch. 195 26
1-2022 3-10-2022 Annexation NCM 27
2-2022 5-12-2022 Confidentiality of Information Provided to Assessor 5 27
3-2022 7-14-2022 Zoning Amendment Ch. 195 27
4-2022 8-11-2022 Vehicles and Traffic: Random Traffic Ordinances Ch. 180, Art. XI 27
5-2022 11-10-2022 Trees: Street Trees Amendment Ch. 172, Art. II 27
6-2022 11-10-2022 Zoning Amendment Ch. 195 27