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Guidelines for Filing a Parking Ticket Appeal – Holmen, WI

Please read the following information regarding filing an appeal of a parking ticket.

Appeals are accepted within ten (10) days of the issuance of the ticket.

The following examples are NOT valid reasons to appeal a parking ticket:

  1. You are not familiar with State Statutes or Municipal Ordinances.
  2. The curb was not painted or marked – Village of Holmen has no statutory requirement to paint or mark curbs.
  3. You didn’t see and/or read posted signs. (Signs are posted at the entrance to the Village on every highway and major street, signs are not required to be on every street.)
  4. You failed to remove and/or cancel license plates prior to selling a vehicle.
  5. You only meant to park for a short period of time (e.g. parking in a loading zone/no parking zone.)
  6. The ticket was missing from your vehicle (e.g. ticket was removed/blew off windshield/etc.)
  7. You failed to display a valid parking permit or Disabled Parking Identification (DISID) Card.
  8. There was a lack of legal and/or convenient parking spaces.
  9. You forgot about alternate side parking or you had time constraints (e.g. your engagement took longer than anticipated.)
  10. You didn’t receive notices due to incorrect/out-of-date address listing with Department of Transportation.
  11. You’re experiencing a lack of funds, the inability to pay, or other financial obligations.
  12. You lost or misplaced the original ticket.

If your reason for appeal does not fall under one of the above listed exemptions, you may file an appeal. If you file an appeal and the reason is covered above, your appeal will be denied. Once filed, your parking ticket will be put on hold pending appeal. It may take three (3) weeks to receive a response to an appeal and the response will be sent by mail. If you pay your parking ticket before your appeal is resolved, your appeal will be considered withdrawn.

If you agree that your appeal meets eligibility requirements and is within ten (10) days of the issuance date of the ticket, please fill out the form below.

If you do NOT meet eligibility requirements for an appeal pay the current amount due;

PLEASE NOTE: If your appeal is denied and you do not resolve the parking ticket within thirty-five (35) days of the original date of issuance, your information will be reported to the Department of Transportation and your vehicle registration will be suspended.

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